The Last of Us: Part 2 staunchly neglects that latter category, heavily implying that it is absolutely imperative that you play through the first The Last of Us to appreciate this follow-up chapter. How easy it would have been to slap on a number at the end and bill it as a traditional sequel? Something aimed towards fans of its predecessor, but also an accessible jumping off point for newcomers looking to hop on board with the latest blockbuster. One of my favorite things about The Last of Us: Part 2 is hidden in the title. Note: This piece will contain massive spoilers for The Last of Us: Part 2.

This entry was contributed by Ollie Jones, co-founder and creative director of Swamp Motel, the theatre, film and gaming hybrid company behind the Isklander ARGs Plymouth Point, The Mermaid's Tongue, and The Kindling Hour, as well as the London-based Resident Evil 2 Safe House experience. Why I Love is a series of guest editorials on intended to showcase the ways in which game developers appreciate each other's work.